
introduction into rust

building a gui

If you want to build a gui in rust. Please checkout tauri.app, which enables developers to create nice gui applications.

compilation speed

Often you hear stories about the compilation speed of rust. It is slower than compilation in other language, which is due to the compile checks that are done by the compiler. To get an impression of speed between C++ and rust, this article describes several situations and comparison in speed.

which IDE to use

I have good experience with Visual Studio Code and with CLion (with rust plugin) as IDEs for rust. If you would like to explore more alternatives, there is a nice article on medium.com

rust in the linux kernel

The linux kernel has now also parts implemented in rust. On the first of October 2022 the rust support landed in the kernel for device drivers.

Read more on the background story on new stack

company support - rust ecosystem

In 2021 Mozilla announced the birth of the rust foundation, which is a good sign with respect to gain industry support for the language. This overview is not complete, but the companies I've came across are listed here.

Mozilla - founding member

Within Mozilla Research the development of Rust was started in 2010, by Graydon Hoare. See here for the presentation. Within mozilla rust has been used for creating the servo web render engine in rust.

Cloudflare - not foundation member

Within Cloudflare they are active on promoting rust, see also their blog. They have a rust api for their cloudworkers.

AWS - founding member

AWS is a founding member of the rust foundation. They also celebrated this fact on their blog. They have also written other rust articles on their blog that are interesting to check out. Apart from their blog, they also give support on their platform with AWS dev center.

Microsoft - founding member

Microsoft celebrated when they joined the foundation, you can read their statement in their blog. Microsoft also submitted a windows crate to crates.io, this crate can be used with the windows gnu toolchain to access the windows API. If you create apps for the windows ecosystem it definitely recommended to check it out. Microsoft also implemented rust in their Azure Sphere proposition. Microsoft offers also free training on their learning platform.

Google - founding member

Within Google becoming part of the foundation was celebrated and announced on their blog. Especially within Google Android the interest is big on rust. They also created a two day introduction to rust by the android team. It is worthwhile to check it out. Google also uses rust in the chromium project

Discord - not foundation member

Discord decided to switch from golang to rust. In this article they elaborate their arguments for this decision.